The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

6 Month Checkup (better late then never)

By on July 28, 2008 in Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

This morning the boys had their 6 month checkup, although due to recent travels it’s actually closer to a 7 month checkup.

Overall things went as expected, the boys are developing fine and health. The only unexpected news is that Andrew’s head is growing faster then average for his age. To make sure that everything is fine, they want to do a CT Scan this Thursday to make sure there is no fluid build up. This is just a precaution and even the doctor said that anytime she’s ordered this test it’s always come back fine. So we’re not thrilled about it, but not overly concerned either.

He’s scheduled for the scan at 1pm this Thursday. I’ll post an update later this week with the results as soon as we get them. The big bummer for me is that I’m traveling on a job this week so I will not be there for him or Brenda. 


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