The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

Video Post

Sugar Sweet Sydney

Sugar Sweet Sydney

By on September 22, 2018 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Flashback to 2015! A few years back I attached a GoPro car to the ceiling of the car and just recorded random moments from time to time. There are some real genuine moments when they’re such a captured audience and I was hoping to catch some of them. This video is one of the ones […]

This Week in Video, May 23, 2018

This Week in Video, May 23, 2018

By on May 23, 2018 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

I don’t know if this is going to stick, but I’m going to try something new. It’s hard to find the time to actually edit videos anymore, at least not as often as I used to. So every so often I’m just going to create a short highlights reel of recent video clips. So here […]

K1 Racing – First Time Go-Cart Racing

K1 Racing – First Time Go-Cart Racing

By on March 27, 2018 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

I’ve been waiting for the day that the kids could finally drive go-carts all by themselves, and it finally came this past weekend. All three of the kids loved it and even wanted to go back the next day. I’m sure it will be an activity that lasts us all summer. I didn’t record much […]

Sydney – Finalist in Elementary School Art Project

Sydney – Finalist in Elementary School Art Project

By on March 2, 2018 in iPhone, Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Late last year Sydney entered an art class at her elementary school. It was a very last-minute project that I refused to do with her due to her late request despite knowing about it for weeks.  However, her mom was much more understanding. The contest was to create art of any type, from writing a […]

FAITH Dance Performance

FAITH Dance Performance

By on January 9, 2018 in Video Post with 0 Comments

I wish I had a better recording of this, but beggars can’t be choosers. Andrew is a great dancer.

Talking With Andrew – Creepy Movie Trailer Idea

Talking With Andrew – Creepy Movie Trailer Idea

By on July 20, 2017 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

The boys (not so much Sydney) have always liked watching scary movie trailers. Even if they are not old enough to watch the movie, they obsess over even the most terrifying trailers in hopes that one day they can watch the movies. So while sitting with him at the table one day I flipped on […]

Pure Michigan – Summer Vacation Begins

Pure Michigan – Summer Vacation Begins

By on July 3, 2017 in iPhone, Text Post, Travel, Video Post with 0 Comments

To kick off the first days of summer vacation we spent a week in Michigan visiting family and doing fun activities. Mini-golf, Dave & Busters and seeing a movie are just some of the highlights. While everything I was shooting was supposed to be for this year’s “Summer video”, I couldn’t help myself and created […]

Red Light Camera

Red Light Camera

By on April 16, 2017 in Video Post with 0 Comments

Boo hiss. Kind of hard to fight a ticket with proof like this.

Brother vs Brother Video

Brother vs Brother Video

By on December 21, 2016 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

For the first time in my video editing career, I was asked if I could create lasers for an upcoming project. And if so, how long it would take to do a bunch of lasers as 2 people ran through the building. That’s something you don’t get asked every day – if ever. I gave […]

What I Did Over Summer Vacation – BTS

What I Did Over Summer Vacation – BTS

By on September 21, 2016 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Behind the scenes of the “Summer with Dad” video, including tips and lessons learned.

The 2016 Concert Series, Elementary Style

The 2016 Concert Series, Elementary Style

By on June 21, 2016 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Another Lowell Elementary concert season has come and gone.

Sydney Turns 6, but Andrew Steals The Show

Sydney Turns 6, but Andrew Steals The Show

By on May 17, 2016 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

I’m finding that doing these videos on a regular basis is getting more and more difficult. And that’s too bad because the process of making these videos is so satisfying. I feel like I’m smiling the entire time while making them. But time is always in short supply, and keeping priorities balanced is always a […]

Saturday Night Special – A Unscheduled ER Visit

Saturday Night Special – A Unscheduled ER Visit

One minute we’re all on the couch eating popcorn and watching a movie, the next moment we’re in the car driving to the ER. Max hurt himself in a way that I won’t get into because even I wish I could forget it, but it turned out fine in the end and it was a […]

Jumping Sky High

Jumping Sky High

By on April 2, 2016 in HDR, iPhone, Photo Post, Travel, Video Post with 0 Comments

Earlier this week while I was running an errand with the kids we noticed a new trampoline place. What surprised me was that it’s located in a business park, not a location that would ever really see drive by traffic. We checked it out that afternoon but today they went to actually JUMP and had […]

Specs Howard Commencement Speech

Specs Howard Commencement Speech

By on November 19, 2015 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to speak to a new round of graduates from the school that helped me get started in my career as a video editor.

Fall Toy Video

Fall Toy Video

By on November 15, 2015 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

The kids recently spent some of their hard earned allowance on a few small toys from Walgreens. And because they’ve seen so many “unboxing” videos on youtube, they wanted to make one of their own. While their ramblings when on for a total of just over 30 minutes, this 8 minute video captures the best […]

Spring Concert 2015 – Sydney

Spring Concert 2015 – Sydney

By on May 31, 2015 in iPhone, Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

From Tornado to Dorothy. Every spring the preschool does a performance of The Wizard of Oz and this year Sydney was Dorothy (well, one of two Dorothy’s). She was so excited and it’s so great to see her just get up there and belt it out without being nervous at all. We are so proud […]

The Global Classroom, With Skype

The Global Classroom, With Skype

By on May 31, 2015 in Video Post with 0 Comments

As seen on The Today Show today. What an exciting idea for kids to have this option.

Andrew’s First YouTube Video

Andrew’s First YouTube Video

By on May 25, 2015 in Video Post with 0 Comments

Andrew wanted to make a YouTube video today. So that’s what we did. And here it is. Don’t get too excited unless you’re REALLY into Pokemon cards.

Easter Sunday Egg Hunt Surprise [video]

Easter Sunday Egg Hunt Surprise [video]

By on April 12, 2015 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

This year instead of going to the big local Egg Hunt on Saturday we (and when I say “we” I mean Brenda) created a egg hunt in our side yard. The kids didn’t know about it until right before it happened and it was a nice surprise for them. I’m always amazed at seeing the […]

Sydney Turns 5… 8 Weeks Ago

Sydney Turns 5… 8 Weeks Ago

By on February 20, 2015 in iPhone, Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

There are so many things I was better at before having kids. One of them was finishing what I started on-time. I started editing this video for Sydney the day after her birthday, back in late November (her Birthday was Thanksgiving Day this year). But OMG I thought I would never finish. First, I decided […]

Spring Concerts 2014 -Sydney

Spring Concerts 2014 -Sydney

By on June 7, 2014 in Video Post with 0 Comments

Seems like the Wizard of Oz is inescapable this year for me!  Sydney was the tornado this year. It’s not a leading part but she gave it all she had!  

Spring Concerts 2014 -Andrew

Spring Concerts 2014 -Andrew

By on June 2, 2014 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

I’m so proud of all of our kids, and I especially admire how confident they are in themselves. I don’t remember being as outgoing as our kids are when I was their age. So when I was watching Andrew perform at his school it really amazed me how much he just puts himself out there. […]

Spring Concerts 2014 – Maximus

Spring Concerts 2014 – Maximus

By on May 30, 2014 in Video Post with 0 Comments

Max has come such a long way in so many different ways. During the winter concert of  Kindergarden Max was nervous and scared and started crying during the show. He didn’t really sing at all and looked like he just hated the whole experience. It was heartbreaking to see as his father. I was there […]



By on February 22, 2014 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

  While watching the Today Show today they had a segment on how people few themselves, and what they focused on when thinking of themselves in the world. It was interesting that they put it in the context of shooting a “selfie”. That initially put me off from even wanting to watch the segment but […]

Facebook Celebrates 10 Years, With The Tomchak’s

Facebook Celebrates 10 Years, With The Tomchak’s

By on February 13, 2014 in FaceBook, Video Post with 0 Comments
Tomchak Twins Turn SIX, Receive Gift Of Chicken Pox. Film At 11.

Tomchak Twins Turn SIX, Receive Gift Of Chicken Pox. Film At 11.

By on January 4, 2014 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

The morning of December 31st Andrew woke up with a slight fever and not seeming at his best. Shortly after we noticed what appeared to be a chick pox blister on his face, and then a few more on his body. By the next morning it was pretty clear he had a full outbreak of […]

Christmas Morning, 2013

Christmas Morning, 2013

By on December 27, 2013 in Video Post with 0 Comments

It’s still amazing to me how different Christmas is when you have kids. In your own way, you become a kid again through their eyes. It’s great to see how excited they are, and this year more than any year in the past they were all counting the days down until Santa would arrive. This […]

Oh Christmas Tree – The Lighting Of The Tomchak Tree

Oh Christmas Tree – The Lighting Of The Tomchak Tree

By on December 16, 2013 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

More than any year in the past, the kids were really into getting the Christmas decorations out and up. Andrew asked me on more than one occasion when we were putting lights on the house (the real answer is maybe never, but I told him not this year). Also the kids has the great treat […]

Sydney, and The Number 4

Sydney, and The Number 4

By on November 27, 2013 in Photo Post, Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Today was baby girls 4th birthday and she was quite the little princess. This year she really was very excited about the day and was talking about it the weeks leading up to the day. We had a little gift for her in the morning when she woke up, and cake and another gift in […]
