The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

Text Post

Sydney for Yellow

Sydney for Yellow

By on August 20, 2021 in Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

This past weekend Sydney tested and passed for her first Taekwondo belt update since starting classes less than 2 months ago.

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Celebrating Gratitude in 2020

Celebrating Gratitude in 2020

By on November 28, 2020 in Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

Sydney asked why we celebrate the fact that earlier generations stole land from the Native Americans. It’s a valid question. I explained that the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving today (at least in our house) is to celebrate all of the positive things in our lives. It’s a time of year to press our focus towards […]

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Now, I have nothing BUT time. And no excuse.

Now, I have nothing BUT time. And no excuse.

By on April 3, 2020 in Nerd Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

I keep a list of things I would like to eventually do (in some cases should do) and it is long. Long enough that sometimes I avoid reviewing it because all it does is stress me out and make me feel like I’m not doing enough. But now, being stuck at home for what seems […]

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Long Live Our TiVo HD

Long Live Our TiVo HD

By on November 18, 2018 in Text Post with 0 Comments

Originally written but never published on January 7th, 2017.  Back in 2008, we upgraded our living room with an HD TV, HDMI amplifier, and brand new TiVO HD. At the time it was the top of the line unit with a 1TB hard drive. Because I knew I would keep the unit forever, we paid […]

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Halloween 2018

Halloween 2018

By on November 1, 2018 in Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

It’s kind of amazing how things are different from just a few years ago.  When the kids first started doing halloween I would basically do an entire photo shoot with them in their outfits. This year I snapped a photo on my phone while we were out trick-or-treating. And I nearly forgot to do that! 

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Sugar Sweet Sydney

Sugar Sweet Sydney

By on September 22, 2018 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Flashback to 2015! A few years back I attached a GoPro car to the ceiling of the car and just recorded random moments from time to time. There are some real genuine moments when they’re such a captured audience and I was hoping to catch some of them. This video is one of the ones […]

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This Week in Video, May 23, 2018

This Week in Video, May 23, 2018

By on May 23, 2018 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

I don’t know if this is going to stick, but I’m going to try something new. It’s hard to find the time to actually edit videos anymore, at least not as often as I used to. So every so often I’m just going to create a short highlights reel of recent video clips. So here […]

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K1 Racing – First Time Go-Cart Racing

K1 Racing – First Time Go-Cart Racing

By on March 27, 2018 in Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

I’ve been waiting for the day that the kids could finally drive go-carts all by themselves, and it finally came this past weekend. All three of the kids loved it and even wanted to go back the next day. I’m sure it will be an activity that lasts us all summer. I didn’t record much […]

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Sydney – Finalist in Elementary School Art Project

Sydney – Finalist in Elementary School Art Project

By on March 2, 2018 in iPhone, Text Post, Video Post with 0 Comments

Late last year Sydney entered an art class at her elementary school. It was a very last-minute project that I refused to do with her due to her late request despite knowing about it for weeks.  However, her mom was much more understanding. The contest was to create art of any type, from writing a […]

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Andrew’s First Edit Job

Andrew’s First Edit Job

By on January 27, 2018 in iPhone, Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

The day I’ve been waiting for finally arrived. The day I should start teaching the kids how to edit FOR ME! Today Andrew is doing a cutdown/stringer of the entire AGT 2017 season while removing all commercials. He’s all over the JKL keys and is learning fast. Because it’s one of those really repetitive jobs […]

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