The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

Tag: Awesome

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

By on September 6, 2012 in Video Post, Web Link with 0 Comments

As is usually the case when I watch 60 Minuets, I was inspired by a story. This story was on a educational website called Khan Academy. It’s a free website that has a knack for teaching some of the more complicated school subjects, like chemistry, calculus and economics. It’s really amazing because it’s a great […]

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Trade In – iPad 1 for Nexus 7

Trade In – iPad 1 for Nexus 7

By on July 24, 2012 in Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

I’ve only had it for 24 hours but already love it. It’s no iPad, but in many ways that’s a good thing. I’m having fun learning a totally new operating system for the first time in over 10 years.

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Carnival Magic Cruise 2012 Photos

Carnival Magic Cruise 2012 Photos

By on January 25, 2012 in HDR, iPhone, Photo Post, Text Post, Travel with 0 Comments

Our vacation (on the Carnival Magic)  this year was LONG overdue, and was amazing. Not because of all that we did, but of how little we did. Being lazy, afternoon naps and staying up until 2am dancing are all underrated in my opinion. We spent almost the entire time on the ship and only got […]

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