The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

Tom’s Store

By on October 6, 2008 in Photo Post, Text Post, Web Link with 0 Comments

Over the years I have received many questions like “What is a good camera to buy?” or “What computer would you recommend?”, or even “Why do you always look so handsome?”. OK, not the last question but you get the idea. People ask me because I’m a nerd, and I’m always reading reviews and tech articles. I’m always glad to help because I know what it’s like to need that kind of help in other areas of my life, and I know it can really be a big help. 

I’ve always said if I got a dollar for each product I sold I would have a nice little piggy bank. Well now it’s possible for me to do that by having an affiliate store with

Here’s how it works. If I send you a link to a product as an answer to a question you asked me, the link will be to (as it usually was in the past) but will be coded with a special number that gives me credit for any the purchase you make. The price for you is exactly the same, but I’ll get a small percentage of what you purchase. 

In addition, there is a new page on this site (Tom’s Recommendations) that has some of the things people most commonly ask me about. In most cases they’re things that I currently own and really like.

I don’t really care if you buy it from or not, but in case you do it will be nice that pays me a small fee for sending you there. 

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