The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

One Week of No Pacifiers

By on December 2, 2008 in Photo Post, Text Post, Web Link with 0 Comments

Last Wednesday we made the decision to pack up all of the pacifiers and cut the boys off cold turkey. Our pediatrician recommended that we get rid of them between the 6-12 month mark due to their teeth coming in, and from what we read the longer you wait the harder it can be. So since it was a long holiday weekend and we would both be around we decided to do it. 

The results?

While there have been some really tough moments for sure, a week later we both agree that they are going to sleep faster (they’re not looking around for the pacifier they keep losing) and they’re no longer getting up over night crying for us to put the pacifier back in their mouth. They seem to even nap a little longer. 

So overall, it seems like the right move at the right time. If you want to read more about it, here is a link to an article Brenda found that really sold me on doing it now instead of waiting. 

How To Get Rid Of The Pacifier Cold Turkey



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