The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

Celebrating Gratitude in 2020

By on November 28, 2020 in Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

Sydney asked why we celebrate the fact that earlier generations stole land from the Native Americans. It’s a valid question. I explained that the reason we celebrate Thanksgiving today (at least in our house) is to celebrate all of the positive things in our lives. It’s a time of year to press our focus towards the things that we may not normally think of. The things we sometimes take for granted.

And even in this year of all things unpredictable and bad, we can still find things to be thankful for. And that is what we celebrate.

We also did something different this year. Brenda said she wanted to break the tradition of the women slaving away in the kitchen to make all the food while the guys laid around watching TV. I can’t say it bothered me as much as her, but I get the point.

So this year each one of us had to come up with a dish to make for Thanksgiving. The kids had to research what they needed to purchase and how to make the dish. We then helped them prepare everything.

We did not have the traditional turkey this year since none of us are real fans of Turkey, but instead just made the foods we were interested in eating.

Overall it was a great experience for all of us, and I think the kids all have a better appreciation for the food that Brenda makes day in and day out.



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