The ongoing blog of the Tomchak family, in Wheaton IL USA

Tag: Programming

Hour of Code 2015

Hour of Code 2015

By on December 13, 2015 in Photo Post, Text Post, Travel with 0 Comments

Last year I had the idea of taking Andrew to one of the many Hour of Code classes in the area, but found out about it too late. Everywhere I looked classes were already full. If you don’t know what the Hour of Code is, you can find out more at their website. It’s an […]

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I’m A Bigger Nerd Than Before, and Proud Of It

I’m A Bigger Nerd Than Before, and Proud Of It

By on October 30, 2010 in iPhone, Photo Post, Text Post, Travel with 0 Comments

This week was probably some of the hardest learning I’ve done in many years. I’ve been in my own career for over 20 years now so challenges, while they do come up, are spread out over time. This week was not the case. I felt very odd being back at that square one place of […]

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BNR – Day 2 Thoughts

BNR – Day 2 Thoughts

By on October 27, 2010 in Photo Post, Text Post, Travel with 0 Comments

Day 2 was a little better than day 1. I came into the class pre-read for the first chapter and I felt pretty well rested. So much of learning programming is repetition. Even when what you’re doing makes no sense, the more you do it the more you get these little “ah ha” moments as […]

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Being A Big Nerd: Day 1

Being A Big Nerd: Day 1

By on October 26, 2010 in HDR, Photo Post, Text Post with 0 Comments

In a word… Wow. The first 2 hours of the class I was concerned that it may be a bit too basic for me. After all I had been reading a lot and what was covered I already knew. But that quickly changed and before I knew it I was having flashbacks to being in […]

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A Calling

A Calling

By on October 24, 2010 in Text Post, Travel with 0 Comments

Have you ever wanted to do something that you just felt was meant to be? Maybe something you’ve always wanted to try because it spoke to you in a way that nothing else did. Maybe it’s playing a sport or starting a new hobby. I think we all have at least one of those things […]

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